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Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) is a program of the United Nations. The aim of this project is to contribute to the reduction of global greenhouse gas emissions and thus to the development of the climate on earth. REDD+ focuses on the reduction of CO2 emissions caused by the exploitation of tropical forests (GOFC-GOLD 2010). The mean annual carbon release of the 1990s that was due to the deforestation in tropical areas was estimated to 1-2 × 106 t. This corresponds to 15-25 % of the annual global greenhouse gas emissions (Gibbs et al. 2007, Olander et al. 2008).

After the abolishment of the REDD project in the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, it was re-established on the agenda by COP 11 (Conference of the Parties) of the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) in Montreal. Within the frame of the Bali Action Plan on COP 13 an agreement about specifics of the REDD+ program and plans for its realization was reached (Holloway & Giandomenico 2009).

To support the activities for the reduction of deforestation and degradation in developing countries, a tool of financial incentives should be designed. Considering that, a measurement, documentation and validation system to detect changes in the carbon storage is indispensable (Angelsen et al. 2009). Satellite-based remote sensing provides such methods for different spatial scales. It is possible to detect extensive deforestation and reforestation areas as well as small degradation phenomena in forested areas (GOFC-GOLD 2010). The literature database compiled within the frame of the project 50EE1108 and published on this homepage aims to contribute to the success of the REDD+ project.


Angelsen, A., M. Brockhaus, M. Kanninen, E. Sills, W.D. Sunderlin & S. Wertz-Kanounnikoff (2009): Realising REDD+: National strategy and policy options. CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia.

Gibbs, H.K., S. Brown, J.O. Niles & J.A. Foley (2007): Monitoring and estimating tropical forest carbon stocks: making REDD a reality. — Environmental Research Letters 2 045023.

GOFC-GOLD (2010): A sourcebook of methods and procedures for monitoring and reporting anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and removals caused by deforestation, gains and losses of carbon stocks in forests remaining forests, and forestation. GOFC-GOLD Report version COP16-1, (GOFC-GOLD Project Office, Natural Resources Canada, Alberta, Canada).

Holloway, V. & E. Giandmoenico (2009): Carbon Planet White Paper: The History of REDD Policy. <http://unfccc.int/files/methods_science/redd/application/pdf/the_history_of_redd_ carbon_planet.pdf>.

Olander, L.P., H.K. Gibbs, M. Steininger, J.J. Swenson & B.C. Murray (2008): Reference scenarios for deforestation and forest degradation in support of REDD: a review of data and methods. — Environmental Research Letters 3 025011.

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